Welcome back guys, I am so sorry I had not posted an article for a long period of time. But this article is different from the ones I use to upload, in this article I will be talking about how I started my art journey(doodle art). so they are different types of art like :
- 1 Line Drawing.
- 2 Doodling.
- 3 Cartoon.
- 4 Pointillism.
- 5 Photorealism / Hyperrealism.
- 6 Architectural.
- 7 Anamorphic.
- 8 Fashion.
What is art ?
Art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. So before this time I was already drawing, I was drawing anime picture( something like realistic drawing) I was not really serious about it. So some couple of month I was free, so I wanted to customize my skateboard so I was research on to customize my skateboard until I came across this video(this video >>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKObB4eZdl4 <<) the kind of art was one I had not seen before do went go research on the kind of art is was drawing and the name of the art is called doodle art.
what is doodle art?
Doodle art are the names given to the drawings that the person usually draws without raising his hand. Also known as simple doodles. People often make doodles while their heads are intense and thinking about other things. In this way, beautiful works of art can come out. so I was so interested in this kind of art, so was researching on steps on how to learn how to draw doodle and this are the steps:
- get the basic handling(by practice)
- be able to think creatively
- to allows take your time when drawing doodle art
- take inspiration from other doodle art artist like my Favourite artist Gawx(you could check his youtube page)
That is the steps I am currently working on and trying to perfect it, but if it take to much time I have to leave it and go to the next one

I never saw draw as some that would intrigue me, but I had to give it a try on less I would not had known.
First what are the element of art : The visual components of color, form, line, shape, space, texture, and value. The steps that will take you to the next level
Then, practice drawing clean curves on the paper by turning your hand while you draw to build your drawing control. Make long, fluid lines rather than short and choppy lines. Try drawing shapes as well, such as triangles and circles, will also help in your doodle art journey.
I hope the first part of my article and the more to come bye for now and take care.