I have had a very big problem with this myself. When you see an unknown person you want to talk to, you really do not know how to do it. You tell yourself things like for example you see a girl walking by in an alley and you want to talk to her and she is very beautiful and you want to get to know her then as you try to approach the girl your head starts giving you doubt of whether you are good enough, she may say mean things to you or when you see her next time you will definitely talk to her! (this is for me),but let me tell you I have been there before many times in fact most of all these I just mentioned and more has happened to me before but all of these may be true or not true it is all in your head, you should make sure your head is not giving you this kind of doubts but rather encouraging you and giving you a confidence boost and stuff like that.

I am going to tell you to know in this article how to break the ice when you want to talk to somebody. The first thing to do when you want to talk to someone whether for social reasons or professional reasons is to put them at ease. Most of us are naturally shy, and all of us tend to be nervous or at least on edge when we are talking to someone we have not met before. The best way to overcome shyness is to remind yourself of the old saying
“that the person you are talking to put his pants on one leg at a time”,
sure it is a cliché, but like most clichés, it happens to be true, which of course is why they become clichés in the first place. Next is that people you are talking to will enjoy the conversation more if they see you are presenting yourself as someone who’s enjoying it too, whether you consider yourself equal or not keep in mind that almost all of us started the same way very few of us are born into wealth and power, unless you are a member of one of a few select families. Most of us started as children of middle-or lower-income families. We worked part time to pay for college or while getting started in our careers and chances are the people we are talking to did too. Maybe we are not as rich and famous as they are or as successful in our field, but we probably came from similar backgrounds so we can relate as brothers and sisters. you do not have to stand there feeling inferior or intimidated you belong in that room or place just as much as the other person you are talking to. It also helps you to overcome shyness if you remember that the person you are talking to is probably as shy as you are. Most of us are. Reminding yourself of this will do wonders for your ability to shed your own shyness.

Whether you are walking down the alley or in a party or meeting your new neighbour. The subject you can open conversation with is with are almost unlimited if you are at a party, the occasion itself is often a starting point for a conversation.
When you are talking to anybody always try to listen to what he/she is saying as much as you might want to start talking listen and understand what the person is saying to you that way you can give a better reply.

Always try to use body language while talking and be natural about it unnatural body language is the last thing you want to see. But if you can get your language right it will help with what you are saying.
Always try to keep steady eye contact when you are looking at the person speak. If you are the one speaking you do not have to keep it all the time.
These are some of the tips to help you break the ice with someone this article took some reference from how to talk to anybody anytime anywhere by larry king. I hope something here came in handy to you.so the next time you want to approach anybody you can use some of these tips.