what is matter?
Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space, so if we should give an example of matter e.g a mug, a car e.t.c.
So if we should talk about relative to a child.
What is matter relative to a child?
In this case, the child is a matter.
Why is the child a matter?
Because the child has mass and occupies space.
Characteristics of matter
there are two characteristics of matter which are
1, physical change
2, chemical change

1, physical change: this can be defined as when a substance can be reversible and no new substance is formed.
2, chemical change: these can be defined as when a substance can not be reversible and but a new substance is formed.
Difference between physical and chemical change
Physical change
Chemical change
1, it is easily reversible
It is not easily reversible
2, a new substance is not formed
A new substance is been formed
3, there is no change in the mass of a substance involved in such a change.
There is a change in the mass of a substance that undergoes such a change.
Example of physical and chemical change
1, salt solution
Burning of wood
2 water to ice cube
Burning of wax
Why do I find this concept difficult to understand?
This concept is very dynamic, so this concept for you to understand this concept very well you need to also understand other concepts e.g element mixture, molecule, atom, e.t.c
what does the concept simply mean?
A concept is an idea or principle that is connected to a topic.
What does topic simply mean?
This is a subject that you talk, write or learn about.
What concept do I find hard to learn?
To go on and talk about the concept, you need to understand all the concept, because if you decide that you learn the important one’s, it’s still going to be confusing to you and to learn all of them one can take you up to a week or two weeks, because of the number of ideas that have been put into that concept.
How long will it take you?
It can take you 4 months to learn these concepts and remember them at a fast pace.
When I mean fast pace I mean about 8 hours a day, but at a normal pace it takes you 8 month, to be honesty
I am not done with these concepts, to show you how long and hard it is.
What I have done to make it easy for myself?
I simply broke it down into two, the hardest and the easiest concept it might be hard to under at the beginning but you can get the hang of it.
What is a real-life scenario that this concept comes into play?
The matter is all around you like table, chair, shoe e.t.c.

So bye guys and see you later. I am going to leave details in case want further information.