I want to tell you guys about my hardest topic in maths and why it was so difficult for me and how I overcame it.
For me my hardest topic was surds. why? Because it was full of irrational roots of numbers and to be honest it really confused me, I did just not know how to overcome it and it just overwhelmed me, even with all the teachers that tried their best to explain it for me still it was just not sticking. I have known and understood a lot of subjects and I did not just know why I could not understand this one topic.
So I was thinking to myself can I not understand this one topic, then at that moment, I decided to seek help from my senior brother. That was a little bit helpful, how? because he helped me understand the basics, then I thought I had learned surd, I didn’t know that there is another level to surd.
so I ask my senior brother that thought me the basic of surd to teach me the advanced level of surd. then he said to me “I am not capable of understanding what I am asking for”, at that moment I said to myself that I must learn this concept. to be honest, at that point I did not know where to start from.

so I decided to go surf the web, so I can see how some people started their journey on learning surd, then I got a lead on how I should start, I Started watching so many videos until I found one that I could add to my little knowledge of surd.
in case you what to watch the video I will leave the detail below,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ql18dWPEUME&ab_channel=AnilKumar
It was difficult for me to understand because that concept was at a high level, that was what they were meant to teach me in grade 10.
But I told myself that any concept that I wish to learn, must be learned by me, why? Because I told him that age or grade does not matter.
So I understood that other sub-concepts form a concept, what was the first sub-concept that I had to learn.
Square roots, why? Because you are squaring two or more irrational numbers or can be called surd.
That took me a short period of time, it was not that hard, but I am going to list some of the obstacles you might face understanding.
1, confusion:

How is number one confusion?
because you will not know where to start from, that is why I wrote this article but for the main time let just talk about the blocker, and also before I forget you thinking whether you understand anything you have read, and solved.
2, frustration

How will you be frustrated?
At this moment you will be asking yourself, “what am doing is a waste of time and energy, please do not give up, why? at this point, you know that you are making progress. How? if you are doing anything at all and it does not require you to push that means all must everybody should understand it.
3, Thinking that you have arrived:

At this moment you understand the concept, just erase that thought, why? because it happened to me and it was not good, I carried that character to an exam hall, guess what happened, it was the worst day ever that is part of the reason why I am writing this article.
so now what I want you guys to know that you need the understand the basic more than anything because you need the basics to solve the complex surd.
but some people jump right to the complex surd, which is not good, why? because you will give yourself unnecessary headaches. so never underestimate the power of the basics.
I hope this article helps you to understand any problem you are facing whether mathematics or any other problem if that helps please don’t forget to follow me.
key point
1, Never underestimate the power of the basics
2, If you have any problem ask for help
3, Never think you have won the race until the race has ended(don’t think that you understand it until you the result.
We have the ending of the article, unfortunately, this is the end. bye for now.